Welcome to ReefBrite Blog

Welcome to the Reef Brite Aquarium Lighting Blog. The focus of this blog is to provide a site where aquarist can explore the fascinating science of aquarium lighting. The primary purpose of this forum is to offer hobbyist technical information about the various lighting technologies in our industry. We will discuss how these technologies are… Read more »

The Color of Light


This post was actually prompted by a hobbyist question. The question was; “how blue is the Reef Brite 20.000k metal halide lamp compared to a Radium lamp”? What is really disturbing is that considering the hype that usually surrounds aquarium lighting this is a very legitimate question. Quite often aquarium lamps are given exotic names… Read more »

Radiometric & Photometric Comparison

Spectral Chart

Since as far back as we can remember wattage is often used when considering the output or suitability of a light source for aquarium use. As a result our hobby has become fixated on wattage when comparing the output of light sources including LED’s. The bottom line is, while wattage is used to express the… Read more »

What is an LED, and how does it produce light?

Due to the large number of questions we have received regarding LEDs we have decided to publish this on our blog. We originally wrote this article to be published but decided it’s content would be better served here so that everyone can have access to it.The purpose of this post is to give hobbyist an… Read more »